A UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowship

The International Law Enforcement Information Exchange (iLeX) Project is funded by UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) Future Leaders Fellowship (FLF).
This four year project aims to critically assess how information can be effectively exchanged between law enforcement agencies in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (within the context of serious organised crime).
A changing landscape
Criminals are benefitting from globalisation without the constraints experienced by law enforcement. Improvements in mobility and technology have created more opportunities to offend across physical and digital borders.
Law enforcement cannot rely on 20th century methods to effectively police the 21st century.
To successfully tackle transnational crime, cross-border cooperation is a necessity with the support of an effective mechanism to disseminate information internationally.

What works?

Information sharing and multi-agency working are integral to preventative and proactive strategies, however, despite calls to share criminal information across borders and evidence of positive outcomes, formal and informal intelligence sharing alliances, and co-ordinated international policing operations, limitations to effectively engage in this process remain.
Despite billions of pounds being spent across developed countries to improve co-ordinated intelligence responses, there has been no independent analysis as to what works. To meet the demand generated by global offending, an effective solution requires a joined-up approach.
Call for experts!
Do you have experience with law enforcement information exchange? Please contact us!

Contact us
Principal Investigator: Dr Becky Phythian