This page will be updated with findings from the iLeX Project
If you’d like to know more about ongoing projects, or would like to get involved, please contact us
See the outputs page for a full list of publications and presentations
Approaches to information sharing
Following interviews with law enforcement and further consultation at the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) National Intelligence Conference 2022, four approaches to information sharing were identified.
Phythian, R., Kirby, S., & Swan-Keig., L.(2024). Understanding how law enforcement agencies share information in an intelligence-led environment: how operational context influences different approaches. Policing: An International Journal, 47 (1), 112-125. https://doi.org/10.1108/PIJPSM-06-2023-0073

Eurovision 2023: Exploring Liverpool’s multi-agency approach to a large-scale event

This project aims to explore the multi-agency approach to Eurovision 2023, with a particular focus on information sharing during the planning and delivery. It is supported by Merseyside Police and Culture Liverpool.
The research team were granted access-all-areas to carry out field observations (i.e. at multi-agency meetings, and during live events at the Joint Command Centre and the M&S Bank Arena). Additional data collection (surveys and interviews) is ongoing.
Phythian, R., Smith, M., Swan-Keig, L., Forrest, L., Kirby, S., & Millward, P. (2023). Eurovision 2023: Exploring Liverpool’s multi-agency approach to a large-scale event. Poster presented at the British Society of Criminology conference. https://doi.org/10.25416/edgehill.23635056.v1

Insights from data breaches and practitioner accounts on law enforcement information sharing
This project explores law enforcement perceptions relating to legislation and risks to information sharing, as well as understanding the reality of law enforcement data breaches (via Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to UK law enforcement agencies).

The mobility of offenders and the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies

The impact of developments in technology and digitisation on the mobility of offenders, and the ability for law enforcement to police today’s society are considered. Interviews with law enforcement and secondary data provided by a UK police force are analysed.
Does Information Communication Technology facilitate or solve crime?
Following interviews with law enforcement and partner agencies in three countries (UK, Australia and New Zealand), this study aims to establish how Information Communication Technology (ICT) has played its part both in facilitating serious organised crime (SOC) and is used by law enforcement agencies to tackle it.

Literature Review: Barriers and facilitators to law enforcement information sharing
Existing literature is reviewed to identify the barrier and facilitators to law enforcement information exchange.

Contact us
Principal Investigator: Dr Becky Phythian