This page will be updated with outputs from the iLeX project, including publications and presentations
If you have any issues accessing the publications or you’d like to know more about ongoing projects, please contact us
Kirby, S., & Phythian, R. (upcoming). Does Information Communication Technology facilitate or solve crime? Exploring the experience of law enforcement practitioners in three countries.
Phythian, R., & Kirby, S. (upcoming). “Can I share this data?”: Insights from data breaches and practitioner accounts on law enforcement information sharing.
Phythian, R., & Kirby, S. (in press). Intelligence-led Policing in the 21st Century: How increased mobility requires new paradigms of information sharing.
Phythian, R. (2024). Law Enforcement Information Sharing For The 21st Century. Crest Security Review, Issue 18: Communication. https://crestresearch.ac.uk/comment/law-enforcement-information-sharing-for-the-21st-century/
Phythian, R., Kirby, S., & Swan-Keig., L.(2024). Understanding how law enforcement agencies share information in an intelligence-led environment: how operational context influences different approaches. Policing: An International Journal, 47 (1), 112-125. https://doi.org/10.1108/PIJPSM-06-2023-0073
Phythian, R., Smith, M., Swan-Keig, L., Forrest, L., Kirby, S., & Millward, P. (2023). Eurovision 2023: Exploring Liverpool’s multi-agency approach to a large-scale event. Poster presented at the British Society of Criminology conference. https://doi.org/10.25416/edgehill.23635056.v1
Conferences and other talks

CREST’s 4th International Behavioural and Social Sciences in Security (BASS24) Conference, St Andrews UK (16-18 July 2024). A Globalised World and the Importance of Law Enforcement Information Sharing (Phythian)
JESIP Research Symposium: Improving Interoperability between Responder Organisations in the UK, London UK (12 July 2024). Information sharing (Phythian)
Eu(ro)vision Day: Let’s talk about Eu(ro)vision, Malmö Sweden (10 May 2024). Eurovision in Liverpool: A multi-agency approach to large events (Smith & Phythian)
Australia and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) Conference, Melbourne Australia (6-8 December 2023). Policing the 21st Century: Why offender mobility requires radical changes to information sharing practice (Phythian & Kirby)
Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) Occasional Seminar Series, Canberra Australia (4 December 2023). Why 21st century mobility is forcing a radical rethink about the way law enforcement agencies share information (Phythian & Kirby)
British Society of Criminology (BSC) Conference, Preston UK (27-30 June 2023). Eurovision 2023: Exploring Liverpool’s multi-agency approach to a large-scale event (Phythian, Smith, Swan-Keig, Forrest, Kirby & Millward)
Kuwait International Law School (KILAW) 9th Annual International Academic Conference, Kuwait City Kuwait (3-4 May 2023).The problems of modern technology and its effects in confronting some crimes and the required legislative policies: an applied and academic view (Kirby)
Australia and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) Conference, Darwin Australia (28-30 November 2022). Policing A Digital World: The importance of international law enforcement information sharing (Phythian)
National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) 2022 National Intelligence Conference, Leicester UK (8-9 June 2022). The Critical Importance of Intelligence and Current Academic Research into the Barriers of Effective Intelligence Sharing (Phythian & Kirby)
FBI National Academy Event, US Embassy, London UK (7 December 2021). The Critical Importance of Intelligence and Current Academic Research into the Barriers of Effective Intelligence Sharing (Phythian & Kirby)
Contact us
Principal Investigator: Dr Becky Phythian