This page will be updated with outputs from the iLeX project, including publications and presentations

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Phythian, R. (2024). Law Enforcement Information Sharing For The 21st Century. Crest Security Review, Issue 18: Communication.

Phythian, R., Kirby, S., & Swan-Keig., L.(2024). Understanding how law enforcement agencies share information in an intelligence-led environment: how operational context influences different approaches. Policing: An International Journal, 47 (1), 112-125.

Phythian, R., Smith, M., Swan-Keig, L., Forrest, L., Kirby, S., & Millward, P. (2023). Eurovision 2023: Exploring Liverpool’s multi-agency approach to a large-scale event. Poster presented at the British Society of Criminology conference.

Conferences and other talks

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Principal Investigator: Dr Becky Phythian